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due to remodel, no room reservations will be accepted for dates before April 1, 2025

RED - Meeting Room Reserved

PURPLE - Conference Room Reserved

 Training Center Guidebook (pdf)


1. To reserve the community rooms, please visit The Nixa Fire District cannot guarantee the availability of the community room.

2. Reservations of the Nixa Fire District Community Rooms will be on a first come, first served basis. The community room’s availability is limited. We reserve the right to limit the use that might interfere with normal fire department activities. Nixa Fire District meetings take priority. *From time to time the Nixa Fire District meetings will change due to unforeseen circumstances and will take priority. In case of this event, you will be notified and have the option to reschedule for a later date where possible.

3. Station tours are not a part of the birthday party/meeting reservation. This building is no longer a fire station but has been remodeled into a training center. Tours of the station and trucks are no longer available at this location. A station tour can be requested at (Station Tour Request)

4. Day of Event: The doors should be unlocked during your rental times; however, circumstances could arise that no one will be in the building. If this occurs, contact (417) 894-0318 (Battalion Chief on duty) or (417) 339-9469 and request assistance with your access needs.

5. Meetings may not be scheduled more than 6 months in advance. The community rooms are available for use between 7:30 AM and 10:00 PM. The community rooms may be scheduled by the hour and needs to include estimated set-up and clean-up time.

6. Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol is not allowed in or on the Nixa Fire District's property at any time.

7. Tobacco use is not permitted in or on the Nixa Fire District property.

8. Firearms are prohibited on Nixa Fire District property.

9.No sales of any type or exchange of funds are permitted in the Community Rooms. To avoid the appearance of any suggestion of improper partisanship, endorsement, or partiality in the use of the premises, political activities on the premises, other than the use of the room as a duly sanctioned election polling place in a municipal, county, state, or federal election, is prohibited.

Improper political activities shall include, but not be limited to:

Speeches, rallies, or other gatherings in connection with the promotion of a candidate for any public office, or in connection with a legislative or election issue; political party or committee or other organizational meetings of any kind; activities of any kind in connection with any petition for the calling of an election or for presentation to a governing political body or official; political fundraising activities; and any meetings or other activities intended to promote the candidacy of a person for any public office or for the promotion of any legislative or election issue; and any activities intended to register persons to vote or increase voter turnout.

10. The Community Rooms shall not be used for any fraudulent purpose.

11. There will be no disc jockeys, live, or loud music allowed.

12. Decorations: The only decorations permitted in the meeting rooms are those which may be placed on the floor or on the tables. The user may not hang, tape, or suspend decorations from the walls, ceilings, or other structures within the meeting room. No use of pins, tacks, staples, or nails is allowed. No use of packing or duct tape is allowed on the walls. No candles (with the exception of standard birthday candles) or open flames are permitted inside the meeting room at any time (exceptions will be made for catering food heaters). The user shall not use rice, birdseed, glitter, or confetti of any type in the meeting rooms or on the grounds outside of the Nixa Fire District property without approval.

13. The Community Rooms are set up with tables and chairs with extras in the storage rooms. We ask that you please do not sit or lean against tables or walls. The user will be responsible for returning the meeting room to its normal condition. Cleaning supplies can be provided by the Nixa Fire District such as trash liners, cleaning solutions, towels, vacuum cleaners, dust pan, and/or mop in each storage room. Users are responsible for setting up and taking down tables and chairs as needed. All furniture must be returned to its original configuration.

14. Damages: The user will be held responsible for any damage to the facilities and/or contents and fixtures, except for normal wear and tear as deemed by the Nixa Fire District. All damage must be reported to the Nixa Fire District immediately. The user will be expected to cover all repairs and replacement costs for any damage to the facility itself and/or the contents of such.

15 .The community rooms must be left in proper order, with all paper, trash, etc. disposed of in trash receptacles. Waste should be emptied in the dumpster at the rear of the building.

16 .Parking is restricted to marked spaces only. Do not park in front of bay doors or block emergency vehicle access.

17. Users must not exceed the maximum capacity of the room they have reserved.

18. Cancellation: Users must notify the NFPD in writing at least 72 hours in advance if they need to cancel their reservation. The fees are non-refundable, but the room can be rescheduled one time for another date/time. Failure to notify of cancellation may affect future reservation privileges.

19.No Pets allowed, except for those used for personal assistance (i.e. seeing-eye dogs).

20. NFPD does not provide storage for renters' supplies or equipment. All items must be removed at the end of each event.

21. The community rooms will not be available on holidays observed by NFPD.

22. Use of the community rooms does not imply endorsement of the beliefs, viewpoints, policies, or affiliations of any group or organization by the NFPD.

23. Disclaimer: The NFPD reserves the right to cancel any reservation if the space is needed for fire department activities. The district also reserves the right to revoke permission to use the community rooms for any group that violates these policies.

Room Reservation Request (Google Forms)