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The Ride-Along Program provides an opportunity for citizens to experience fire service functions first hand.

1.The participant must be at least 18 years old. Special consideration for those under the age of 18 may be approved by Fire Operations Assistant Chief with parent or guardian signature.

2.The participant must acknowledge the risks and sign a written waiver of claims and release of liability.

3.The participant must be in good health and must not be suffering from any illness or injury, including cold, flu, or respiratory infection, on the day of the ride-along.

4.The Ride-Along program is available on most days of the week, with certain exceptions. The Ride-Along times are established by the Fire Operations Assistant Fire Chief. No participants are allowed in the stations past 10 p.m.

5.The participant is required to be suitably dressed in a collared shirt, blouse, jacket, or a district t-shirt can be purchased, slacks, uniform pants, clean / new jeans, and shoes.

6.The participant is not allowed to use cameras, video equipment, or other recording devices during the Ride-Along.

7.The participant will follow the lawful directions of any Nixa Fire District member.

8.The participant will not become involved in any investigation, discussions with victims, or handling any fire equipment.

9.The participant may terminate the ride-along at any time. Reasonable effort will be made to return the observer to his/her home or to the fire station if the ride-along is terminated.

10. Company Officers will not allow participants to be present in any residence or situation that would jeopardize their safety or cause undue stress or embarrassment to a victim or any other citizen.

11. It is important that the participant does not interfere with the fire crew’s activities. Please hold any questions you may have until after the Company Officer has completed the call, or is no longer in contact with a victim or witness. Note: The Company Officer may not be able to answer questions at the time you ask or, due to privacy concerns, may not be able to fully answer your question.

12. The participant may become a witness to situations and actions the Company Officer is involved in and may be listed in reports as such and may be required to testify in court.

13. Participants will be allowed to ride no more than once every six months.

14. Factors that may be considered in disqualifying an applicant include, but are not limited to:
         a. Being under 18 years of age
         b. Prior criminal history
         c. Pending criminal action
         d. Denial by any supervisor
         e. Poor health or other condition that cannot be reasonably accommodated

15. Any Chief Officer may refuse a Ride-Along to anyone for any reason. The Company Officer may terminate the Ride-Along at any time.

16. Complete Ride-Along Application.

17. Complete Ride-Along Waiver on the day of Ride-Along.

18. Send application to or fax to 417-725-2393 or deliver in person at District Headquarters, 301 S. Nicholas Road Nixa MO 65714

Ride-Along Application  (pdf)          Ride-Along Waiver         



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